Loan file reviews for Residential Mortgage backed Securities
New Orgination, Legacy, Agency, Jumbo, Non-QM, Performing and Non-Performing loans are reviewed by skilled professionals for credit, compliance, valuation reconciliation, servicing note reviews and pay history. We understand the time-critical nature to complete engagement within the allotted timeframe and ensure reviews are done with high quality and our business partners' specific needs.
Get in touchAccomplishments:

Fully Affirmed Third Party Review firm
Recovco has worked on securitization transactions with the major Rating Agencies
- Fitch Ratings
- Moody’s Investors Service, Inc.
- S&P Global Ratings
- Kroll
- DBRS Morningstar
Third Party Reviewer for multiple public and private transactions
Recovco has extensive experience performing securitization diligence on various assets classes
- Agency (Investor, High Bal)
- Non-Agency (Jumbo and Scratch & Dent)
- Consumer (Student Loan, Unsecured, Solar Panel)
- Non-QM (DSCR, Bank Statement, Asset Depletion)
- Legacy (NPL / RPL)
- Fix & Flip (Residential Transition Loans)
- Small Balance Commercial
Multiple Client and Vendor Partenerships
Recovco has worked with many securitization clients and vendors
- Investors and warehouse line issuers have familiarity of Recovco's scope of review and reporting sets
- Rating Agencies have reviewed Recovco's process and reports
- Recovco securitization documentation has been reviewed and vetted by investors and law firms
- Exhisting relationships in place with valuation and title vendors
- Rep and Warranty reviewer for Non-QM Securitization